Thursday, June 14, 2007
Real Estate Investing - When Others Discourage You
What do you do when others try to steer you away from your real estate investing goals? Sometimes even well meaning friends become cold-water bucket brigades. They throw cold water on your dreams and dampen your enthusiasm with their negativity.
They will tell you about their Uncle Harry who lost a lot of money in real estate. They are quick to give you all the reasons not to invest.
If you announce to others that your goal is to become a wealthy real estate investor, I guarantee you some of them with try to discourage you. That's true of any announced goal.
Tell them you're trying to lose weight and they'll offer you a cookie. Tell them you plan to get rich in real estate and they'll tell you why that's a stupid idea.
Some life coaches go so far as to say that you should NOT announce your goals to others. This way they have no way to offer their negative input.
I think you'll have to figure that one out for yourself. Do what works for you.
However, you must be prepared to handle the naysayer. When someone offers you their negative feedback one great response to the negative Nelly is to simply say, "Thanks for sharing!" Then quickly change the subject.
Did you know that your net worth is probably the average of your five closest friends?
Think about the 5 people to whom you are closest. Could it possibly be true? Yes, it is very likely true.
So, if you are serious about increasing your net worth, you may need to think about getting some new friends.
I'm not suggesting that you "fire" you current friends. But, you will probably find that it happens automatically over time. As you develop your new interest and meet new people, you will probably develop some new friends.
Just be sure to pick some rich ones!
Labels: Bradenton Real Estate, Dan Forbes, florida real estate, investing, real estate investing